Yippppppeeeee !!! I said out loud as we landed in the good old U S of A. I wanted to be excited about our forthcoming holiday, wanted to join in with the kids enthusiasm and should of been getting butterflies in my tummy but all I could think was "Thank God that plane journey is over".
The 7 1/2 hour flight had felt like 4 days but I had made it.....And, I had made it with no tears. This had been mainly down to being upgraded for no apparent reason other than they had to fill the business section and the Hubby had a shed load of air mile thingys. And what a difference it made, nicer seats, pillows, many complementary drinks and a big newspaper that I always find impossible to read as its so large and flappy.

The flight was completely smooth with no hint of turbulence which I convinced myself was because we were in the "poshish" section. As we landed and began our departure of the plane I had this overwhelming urge to thank every air hostess that I could clap eyes on....A bit like when you have a baby and you feel the need to invite the midwives for dinner and feel they should be godparents to your brand new little bundle just because they helped you push a human out of your Minnie Ha Ha.....

As I reached the door I felt the need to express my thanks once more and said to the final air hostess "
Thank you so much, it was a lovely flight, I'm usually terrified and that was the best plane ride I have ever been on" (I probably waffled on much much more than that as The Hubby shoved me from behind to hurry up) The hostess replied "
Yeah funny that me too"..................WHAT!!! What the hell did that mean???? Was it just a fluke we had made it and was the flight on the way home going to be horrific????? Why would an air hostess say such a thing ???
After pulling myself back from the brink of a nervous breakdown I threw myself into the best holiday ever and even managed to forget the forthcoming flight home.
Rather than boring you all with lengthy memories in one go I am going to do a Blog type version and break it down into little chunks over the next few days.
Day 1.

Hailed our first yellow cab, journey involved being driven at the speed of light dodging in and out of traffic and included much slamming of brakes. The Hubby gripped the seat whilst checking the kids seat belts several times.
On arrival at hotel The Husband and Whirlwind had to sit down for 5 minutes to regain some colour in their cheeks and make sure the entire contents of their stomachs didn't suddenly appear before entering the hotel.

Room was great aside from an adjoining door to the next room which housed 2 extremely loud Americans who may as well been in with us.
By the time we went out we knew that he was called Larry and she was Clare and they were staying for 2 nights (this was as long as he got his head out of his ass and helped her unpack apparently according to Clare). Left the room to go exploring hoping they stayed angry with each other all night and didn't feel the need to "make up" later on.

Went to Times Square and found the Diners Drive Ins and Dive bloke of the telly (Aka Guy Fieri) restaurant to have dinner. Had our first taste of America with the most enormous dinner ever and encountered our first "Are you from Australia" comment from the waiter, not sure why they think we are from there but its something that tends to happen a lot. I then decided that it was because we were not talking like Wills and Kate and for some strange reason only known to me I then adopted her accent for the remainder of the trip.
We then had a slow walk back to our hotel to unpack and have baths etc etc....... Although we had landed at 12 midday it seemed like we ha been here forever and I was going to enjoy every minute of it.
Come back tomorrow for Day 2.
Lots of Love
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