All tensions are forgotten as we enter the sweeping driveway to our little bit of paradise for the next 3 days. The Husband does a little sigh and the relaxation starts to very slowly creep into his brain.
Once checked in we head off to lunch followed by a quick tour of the place. It is quite a long walk round and The Husband suddenly announces that he can already feel his tummy expanding after the pulse heavy lunch.......OMG I THINK HE'S GONNA BLOW !!
We both sit patiently for our therapist to arrive and we happily chat and giggle about wind..AGAIN...I can see a pattern of conversation emerging.
As the clock strikes 3pm a wave of rather beautiful looking ladies appear like magic. Here they are, the little angels who will bring my Husband back from the deep realms of stress and hopefully ease some of his anxiety.
It is at this stage that I notice The Husbands face, I am not entirely sure if he's still worrying about his wind problem or in fact the delight that may be hidden beneath his frown lines at actually being given permission by his wife to go off with these size nothing blonde girls in a dark room and be touched by them. I quickly put this out of my mind (as a Taurean, jealously is not a good side of me).
After 55 minutes of sheer pleasure....(He has had an Indian Head Massage and I have had the slightly gentler Head In the Clouds massage) we meet back in the waiting area. As he wanders through the door I am conscious of the fact that he looks like he has been smoking something naughty, eyes are glazed and a dopey grin has emerged on his face. "I think I might need to sit down" he says "am I supposed to be feeling this relaxed". In my Taurean head I want to say "well that depends on what she did" but shake myself and just laugh.

Come Back Tomorrow For Part 2.
Love Me
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