To cut a very long story short, The Teenager took herself off back to the room to get her book and after 1/2 hour I began to get a little concerned. The Husband and The Whirlwind were off snorkeling and I was alone with just my beach bag and my bottle of water. As any mother will understand there is a little voice that sometimes fills your head with crazy thoughts about where your kids are and things that might of happened to them. I am no different and convinced myself that she had been abducted and I would never see her again.

Luckily a lady at the next bed had seen what was going on and between us we cleaned my nose up and stuck a plaster on it to stop the bleeding. I think my pride was hurt more than my nose and I sat for a minute to regain some level of composure.

She kind of looked around and then gasped "Oh my God, whats happened Mum". I relayed the story to her and noticed a slight smirk desperately trying to break free from her mouth. It didn't cross her mind that had she just gone up and come back down again I would not of stood up and bashed my nose.....Teenagers!!!
The Husband was slightly more sympathetic and checked to see if I needed stitches (which I didn't luckily). I spent the rest of the day wearing a plaster and received several strange looks from onlookers.
That will teach me for assuming that Shirley (see Day 1 Diary) would of punched me in the nose wont it.
The rest of today has been fine, except for a new family that have just arrived in our little peace of paradise. From what I can gather they absolutely hate each other, the kids look traumatised and bewildered by their parents. The reason I have come to this conclusion is because of the following conversation they had...

Him: "Why cant you get them, I have just started a new chapter in my book"
Her: "For gods sake, why are you so lazy?"
Him: "Because I work so bloody hard so you can come on expensive holidays like this. That's why".
Her: "Well don't worry because I am coming on my own next year".
Him: "Thank God for that....2 weeks without having to look at your miserable face and listen to your constant nagging"
Her: "Oh why don't you just go and drown yourself in the sea".
You can see why I think they don't like each other now cant you.
The rest of today has been spent trying not to laugh at other people nearly knocking themselves out on low parasols. Have counted at least 10. Of course I totally sympathise but was secretly hoping I wouldn't be the only one wearing a plaster on my nose.
Myself and my sore nose are off to bed now. Night night.
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